Thursday, 16 December 2010

UK Society of Behavioural Medicine Conference

Researchers working on the PARC study recently attended the UK Society of Behavioural Medicine 6th Annual Scientific Meeting in Leeds (

Prof Frank Kee delivered a key note lecture on new paradigms in public health medicine.

Dr Alberto Longo presented his work on the influence of safety, ease of access to local facilities and aesthetics on changes in physical activity. 

Dr Ruth Hunter presented a poster on physical activity and deprivation.

Claire Cleland presented her work on  community leaders' experiences of physical activity interventions in a socio-economically disadvantaged area.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Latest article about physical activity from the PARC team

There is a lot of interest in using objective monitors to promote and measure physical activity.
Here is a link to a recent article on the subject

It is an editorial article as part of a special edition on the use of activity monitors in clinical populations.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Santa Cycle

The Connswater Community Greenway team are hosting a Santa Cycle on Sunday 5th December 2010. The aim is to set a Guiness World Record for the largest number of cycling Santas! The cycle is due to start from Titanic Quarter at 11am.

The Connswater Community Greenway team are looking for volunteers. You can take part as a cyclist or if you're not feeling so energetic, marshalls are needed to help the day run smoothly. One small have to wear a Santa suit!

We are looking for a number of people involved in the PARC study to support this event. If you are interested can you please contact the organisers using the details provided.


Thursday, 30 September 2010

Looking to get fit?

If you are looking to get fit...why not try the new NHS Couch to 5K programme.

Download the free podcast to you MP3 player or Ipod and follow the routine!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Belfast Business Top 50 Poll

Wendy Langham- Project Manager of the Connswater Community Greenway has been shortlisted for an award for the social entrepreneur business which has made the most difference across the city.
 If you would like to vote for Wendy and the CCG please click on this link:
Belfast Business Top 50 Poll

Monday, 9 August 2010

Observing Physical Activity in East Belfast

Thanks to the help of 20+ volunteers, we spent last week observing approx. 2000 people using the parks in East Belfast.

After two day training, the team were ready and spent 4 hours per day counting the number of people using the greenway and recording what they were doing.

The method we were using is called SOPARC (System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities). We plan to repeat this the first week in February 2011 if your interested in getting involved!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Belfast City Marathon

On May Day our project manager Ruth Hunter completed the full 26.2 miles of the Belfast City Marathon raising over £1000 for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Walk to Work Week Event in Connswater

Why not join the Connswater Community Greenway and Connswater Shopping Centre and take part in walk to work week by taking a lunchtime stroll.
As part of National Walk to Work week Business in the Community is encouraging its member companies to get their employees to join in a fun and healthy lunchtime activity.
The Connswater Community Greenway, along with Connswater Shopping Centre have organised a Walk to Work Week event, taking place on Monday 26th April at 12:30 p.m. This will involve a short lunchtime walk beginning at Connswater Shopping Centre and walking to the Hollow at Elmgrove.
While this is a fun activity it is anticipated that such an event will encourage staff, members and groups to take up a simple lunchtime activity such as walking thus improving their general health and fitness.
FREE pedometers for the first 100 people to register with Heather at Connswater Community Greenway (9046 7625 or email
FREE T Shirts for the first 100 people to register at Connswater Shopping Centre or online at

Connswater Bluebell Walk - All Welcome!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

What the PARC team got up to on their holidays

During the Easter Holidays Claire Cleland (PARC study PhD student) and Mark Tully took part in a two day training camp for the Irish mens U16s and U18s hockey teams, as part of their roles with the Irish Hockey Association. Claire, a nutrionist, gave a presentation on the need for proper hydration and diet for elite athletes.

Monday, 22 March 2010

PARC Study staff organising Walk to Work Week 2010 at Queen's University

Walk to Work Week takes place from Monday 26 - Friday 30 April. As part of the week's activity, the Healthy Living Initiative and the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI) would like you to join them on Wednesday 28 April at 2.00pm at the PEC for a 30 minute walk.

They are looking for Walking Champions in Schools and Directorates to encourage your departmental staff to get involved. If anyone is actively organising lunchtime walking groups or would like to, please contact Dr Robert Gamble for more information.

Want to do a bit more?
You can get a Walking Pledge card from the Physical Education Centre reception and decide how much additional walking you are going to commit to and make a note of this. Recording how you have done each day will help you keep track of your achievements. You can optionally pledge to give £1 for each day you meet your goal to the British Heart Foundation through the Just Giving site address, Finally, return your card (by post or in person) to Dr Robert Gamble, Physical Education Centre.

The initiative is supported by the Staff Healthy Living Initiative and the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI), in association with Business in the Community.

For more information, contact Dr Robert Gamble, (email)

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Images from the Points4Life event, 19th Feb 2010

An appreciative audience enjoyed insightful talks from the Points4Life team from Manchester NHS and Prof Sue Chilton, Newcastle University.

(L-R Prof Frank Kee, Queen's University Belfast; Anthony Lawton, Manchester NHS; Prof Sue Chilton, Newcastle University; Steve Tilley, Manchester NHS; Wendy Lanham, Connswater Community Greenway; Tanya Kennedy, Business in the Community)

 (L-R: Mel Capper, Intelligent Health; Anthony Lawton & Steve Tilley, Manchester NHS; Prof Frank Kee)

Prof Frank Kee introduces the audience to incentivising behaviour change
Tanya Kennedy introduced the audience to potential for partnership with local companies

Anthony Lawton presented plans for the Points4Life programme in Manchester

 Prof Sue Chilton responded from a behavioural economics perspective

Friday, 19 February 2010

Innovative Loyalty Card to Improve Health in East Belfast

A new incentive-based loyalty card scheme has the potential to improve the health of thousands of people in East Belfast, according to those behind a similar scheme currently being rolled out in Manchester.

Experts from The Points4Life Scheme – a collaborative effort between the NHS and Manchester City Council – are in Belfast today to discuss how the scheme could be piloted in Northern Ireland thanks to a partnership between the UKCRN Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI) and Business in the Community.

At today’s event, community representatives and health experts will discuss the potential for the Manchester model to be developed in East Belfast, and how the area’s regeneration through the Connswater Community Greenway initiative offers clear opportunities for encouraging and improving levels of physical activity.

Professor Frank Kee, from Queen’s University Belfast, Director of the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI), said: “We hope that a pilot scheme in the Connswater area could work in the same way as many of the well-known loyalty schemes in the market today and along similar lines to the Points4Life scheme in Manchester. Members of the public who join the scheme would use their loyalty card to collect points which could be redeemable for “healthy” products and services. Local businesses in the East Belfast community could also benefit from having increased interaction with local customers”.

“If we are to meet the challenges posed by the rising tide of obesity, at a community level we must increase our levels of physical activity. Though public health practitioners are showing the necessary leadership, the challenge requires concerted action across all sectors. Creating a platform for incentive-based loyalty card schemes for positive behaviour change will, hopefully, deliver lessons applicable across the UK and Ireland”.

Business in the Community, through its Business Action on Health campaign, is working with employers to improve workforce health – both as a benefit to the business and to wider society.

Tanya Kennedy, Workplace Director with Business in the Community said “People spend more than a third of their time at work, so it makes sense to communicate with them through the workplace about the benefits of good health and wellbeing.

“Physical activity is a key aspect of wellbeing and if we can find innovative ways to engage employees and incentivise them to improve their fitness through loyalty schemes such as this – we have a duty to explore them further and learn from good practice in other areas.”

To find out more about the Points4Life scheme, visit

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Canadian visitor to PARC study team

Professor Donna Wilson (University of Alberta, Canada) visited Queen's University Belfast today to learn more about the PARC study and develop international collaborations. Prof Wilson and Dr Tully are reviewing the scientific literature relating to physical activity promotion in older adults and are planning a study of the effects of seasonality on physical activity behaviours in older adults in Edmonton, Canada. The information will be compared to the findings in the PARC study, to allow some comparison in the way individuals in Northern Ireland and Canada respond to changing seasons.

Read more about Prof Wilson's research at her webpage:

Friday, 12 February 2010

PARC Study news

The PARC study was featured in the January edition of the Connswater Community Greenway Newssheet. Click this link to read...
CCG Newsletter

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Points4LIfe Event

The PARC Study team are organising a visit of the points4life team from Manchester on Fri 19th Feb. The Points4Life team in Manchester will share with us what is being learnt about how public-private partnerships have the potential to incentivize behaviour change, improve public health and drive a sustainable economy.

This event is being organised by the Centre of Excellence for Pubic Health and Business in the Community, and is supported by the Department for Employment and Learning through its "Strengthening the all-Island Research Base" initiative.

The event will take place at 1.30pm on Friday 19th February 2010 at the Pavilion (McElhinny Suite), Stormont/Castle Building Estate. A light lunch will be provided from 1pm.

If you wish to attend can you please contact Debbie Donaldson (